Listed Sheffield

According to Wikipedia there are 137 listed buildings in Sheffield City Centre (S1) that are recorded in the National Heritage Listed for England. Two are listed at Grade I, 12 are at Grade II*, and the others are at Grade II.

Historic England describes the grading as follows:
  • Grade I buildings are of exceptional interest - only around 2.5% of listed buildings are Grade I.
  • Grade II* buildings are particularly important buildings of more than special interest – around 5.8% of listed buildings are Grade II*
  • Grade II buildings are of special interest – around 91.7% of all listed buildings are in this class and it is the most likely grade of listing for a home owner
Today we searched for buildings on four streets - Arundel Street, Bank Street, Barker's Pool, and Blonk Street (we've included links to the Historic England listing).

Arundel Street

Top: Challenge Works (Grade II), 113 Arundel Street (II), Sellers Wheel (II), and Sterling Works (II)

Bank Street

Barker's Pool

City Hall (Grade II*), and War Memorial (II*)

Blonk Street

Blonk Street Bridge (Grade II), and Crucible Stack (II)

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